Fortis Solutions Group

Fortis Solutions Group employs over 900 people, operates multiple manufacturing facilities, has distribution capabilities across the country and is represented by an experienced sales team that services customers around the world. 

While the business has evolved over the years, the one constant is our focus and reputation for quality and service. 

Our One Fortis initiative is a customer-focused strategy that presents to our markets that everyone can expect the same product quality and service from any employee, in any department, in any location.

Fortis Solutions Group is proud of our employees, experts in their various fields, focused on delivering for our customers. We know that even the most advanced presses can’t run themselves and that all the certifications and technology don’t mean anything without the best people to deliver customized strategies and solutions to our customers each and every day.

Across our manufacturing facilities, Fortis Solutions Group employees are focused on their jobs; but strive to never lose sight of the big picture. We are always accountable to the customer and recognize employees who go above and beyond to exceed the customer’s expectations. Indeed, it is our employees’ “can do” attitude that has made the difference between success and failure for some of our largest projects.