Goodwill Industries of Mid Michigan

Goodwill Industries of Mid-Michigan is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, headquartered in Flint and serving ten Mid-Michigan counties. Since 1932 we've been helping individuals with barriers to employment make the transition to independence and self-sufficiency.

Help us keep our mission alive by joining our team today!


  • Every individual has value.
  • Work adds meaning and purpose to life, and there is dignity in all useful occupations.
  • GOODWILL provides opportunities, not charity. Fosters development, not dependency.
  • Individuals are primarily responsible for their own actions and development.
  • GOODWILL supports itself as much as possible.


  • Respect for people
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Informed decision-making
  • Innovation and improvement
  • Good stewardship


Service excellence in developing human potential.


We believe that work plays a critical role in our lives and forms the cornerstone of a person's relationship with others. Through the power and dignity of work, individuals are able to achieve both economic self-sufficiency and a productive role in society.